F4 Savannah Stud

Meet Kovu, the King of our Jungle

Kovu is our male f4 Savannah cat. He has a smokey golden base color with golden creamy undertones and deep black spots. Kovu is still growing, These photos were taken at approximately 7 months old and he was about 20lbs, judging by his current rate of growth he may reach between 25-30lbs. Savannah cats continue to grow until around 2 yrs old. Male Savannah’s grow faster and get considerably larger than their female counterparts. He is very tall and athletic with well defined lean muscle. He loves his time outdoors and frequently hones his skills climbing tall tees and chasing squirrels. Kovu is very playful and friendly. He walks on a leash, but can also be walked without one as he is obedient and comes when called and responds to a whistle. He also loves taking long road trips in our motor home when we go on vacations. Kovu plays a big role in the lives of the kittens as well. He loves wrestling with the kittens, teaching them to climb trees and to hunt insects. Watching them is hilarious.


F4 Savannah Cat
F4 Savannah Cat

F4 Savannah Cat
Male F4 Savannah Cat
F4 Savannah Male